Elizabeth Esther

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Day 10=Read Good Books #31Days2Happy (Mother Letters, Always There, A Special Mother is Born)

Today marks the launch of Mother Letters, a "collection of heart scribbles from across the globe--mothers just like you...these letters are about capturing the messy, glorious masterpieces that you are creating as a mother." Curated by Seth and Amber Haines (two of my most favoritest people!), Mother Letters is a lovely collection from well-loved writers like Ann Voskamp, Lisa-Jo Baker, Kristen Welch, Ann Kroeker, Tonia Peckover and Robin Dance.

You can purchase the "Mother Letters" E-Book here and join the conversation by writing your own Mother Letter and sharing it here.

I was honored to contribute an essay for Always There: Reflections for Moms on God's Presence. I wrote about the loneliness I experienced as a young mom. While most of my peers in university were rollicking through their 20's, I had three babies in three years. I wrote about how important it was for me to gain fresh perspective and value my vocation as a young mother. This book is overflowing with other encouraging essays, too. If you're struggling with motherhood, this book will inspire and strengthen you.

For parents who have received a prenatal diagnosis or are currently raising a special needs child, this book, A Special Mother Is Born, is for you. In this book, thirty-three parents share their heartbreaking and heartwarming stories about keeping, loving and raising their special needs child. As the mother of a Down Syndrome child, Leticia Velasquez compiled these stories in an effort to bring awareness to the particular joy of raising a special needs child. After learning that 92% of Down pregnancies are aborted, Leticia also co-founded KIDS--Keep Infants With Down Syndrome--which advocates for the dignity of unborn children with Down Syndrome. The beautiful stories in A Special Mother is Born offer hope and encouragement for parents facing the challenges of a special needs baby.