Elizabeth Esther

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Well, Miley Cyrus. How predictable of you.

Aaaand cue outrage. Shock. Horror. Pearl-clutching. If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that Miley Cyrus' performance at the VMAs last night was shocking. Oops. I mean. Predictable. Seriously. Can we all stop pretending to be surprised now? Can we quit with the breathless reporting that even Miley's team is "freaking out"  about her VMA performance last night? Because riiiiiight. I'm sure her team is just shocked.

Probably about as SHOCKED as discovering that lyrics like: "trying to get a line in the bathroom" are NOT about a long line to use the toilet. What? WHO KNEW?!

Here's the truth: Miley Cyrus doesn't care what you think. She doesn't care that you're outraged, disgusted, offended and horrified. In fact, she likes having "haters." It motivates her.

Miley Cyrus set out to shock everyone and she succeeded. The only surprise, here, is that the adults are asking stupid questions like: "How did this happen?"

Everyone knows how this happened. It's not like her song "We Can't Stop" is subtle or nuanced. It's not like it's some hidden mystery of the universe that  Miley is singing about doing drugs. Of COURSE she is.

It's been obvious for awhile that Miley is going off the rails...er, I mean: GROWING UP. Shaking one's ass on national TV is, after-all, the time-honored way for former Disney stars to shed their squeaky-clean image and take ARTISTIC CONTROL of their careers. And by artistic control I mean: rocking the stripper pole. Or, in Miley's case, the foam finger.

I don't know about you but when I saw Miley's performance, I couldn't even twerk-up the energy to get outraged. I just felt sorta sad for her because her whole deal seems stupid and derivative and annoying as hell.

The only shocking thing, to me, is that anybody is watching her at all.