34 Weeks: Encouraging Update!

Growth scan today. Guess what?! The babies weigh 5.9 lbs. & 6.4 lbs.!!! They are in the 88th & 96th percentile for growth!

My other babies never got past 7.2 lbs., so now I'm staring down the possibility of two of the biggest babies I've ever birthed! Holy cow. Somebody, quick! Get me a crane to help hold up this belly!

OB said if I go into labor naturally, she won't stop me now. I will be having a C-section because I'm having increasing problems with my pre-existing hiatal hernia. Bearing down & pushing out two babies will worsen my hernia. There is no easy remedy for this particular type of hernia (except for risky surgery), so I want to avoid making it worse.

I am still on bed rest because we want to get these babies to 35 or 36 weeks. What if I go longer than 36 weeks? Oh, please no. But it's not really up to me, is it? Figures.

I am so honored that so many of you shared your prayer requests with me. I am still working my way down the list and it's refreshing for me to spend my bed rest time this way. So, thank you.

And just because everyone liked the belly shot so much, here's one more: