Beginning The Week With Prayer.
I am a very busy mother. However, as Martin Luther once said, "I am too busy not to pray." That's the attitude I want to cultivate this week.
I know when I have allowed the world's busyness to invade my heart. It's when I begin to worry, to try and fix everything myself, to do it all.
I need less worry and more prayer. Mostly, I need to rest and humbly work in the yoke Jesus has given me. Last week, I read a chapter of Andrew Murray's "Abide in Christ." Here's a passage I underlined. I am clinging to it this week and I hope it encourages you as well:
"The soul has but to yield itself to Him, to be still and rest in the confidence that His love has undertaken, and that His faithfulness will is because the blessing is so great that our little hearts cannot rise to apprehend it; it is as if we cannot believe that Christ, the Almighty One, will in very deed teach and keep us all the day. It is not the yoke, but the resistance to the yoke, that makes the difficulty; the whole-hearted surrender to Jesus, as at once our Master and our Keeper, finds and secures the rest." --p.21,22