Lots of summer church activities=growing in faith. Or does it?

School gets out this week and I'm starting to panic. Without the daily structure of school, life with five children easily skitters off track. I need some tangible order upon which to hang the hours of each day. But per my usual dithering ways, summer has crept up on me before I’ve made a solid plan. Fittingly, this is how I also approach my faith: as if I can just dither my way straight on into Heaven. Wait. Hold it. Stop everything. Maybe we need unstructured time. Maybe Godwants me to dither away our summer!

Would it be so wrong for me to bow out of 8 bazillion "enriching" and "edifying" and "growing in faith" activities in favor of hanging out at the beach with my kids? TO READ MORE OF MY COLUMN THIS WEEK CLICK HERE!