I'm Speaking At Relevant 2012. My topic: "Blogging Thru Brokenness"
All I can say about this is: God works in mysterious ways.
And when Sarah Mae first asked me I was like: huh? what? you realize you're talking to EE, right?
I don't fit, see.
At least. I don't think I fit. Or I thought others thought I didn't fit.
And Sarah Mae told me: isn't that how we all feel? Like we don't fit and yet--- through grace, somehow, we do.
I believed Sarah Mae because....well, we've become such friends. Such unlikely and yet--so likely--friends. Our friendship proves to me that grace works. That love wins.
So, I told Sarah Mae I would sit on it for a few days.
May I tell you something?
I never started blogging to have some kind of ministry.
I started blogging out of desperation--to write these stories.
To write my way back to God.
To write my way back to being fully human.
Here's my secret fear: nobody will come to my session. Because.
I don't have how-to's.
I don't have something to sell or something to make you a better blogger.
All I have is this broken, this wounded, this grace-thirsty human story.
It's a paltry offering, perhaps. But it's my heart.
So, friends, will you come?
Together, let's make a safe place for us...us walking wounded. Us broken.
Us unsure.
Us doubtful.
Us scarred.
There is a place for us, I think.
I hope.
Sometimes love means taking a risk. It could turn out badly, of course.
But it just might be the most wonderful thing.......
So, I'm speaking. Tremulously. Gently. Lovingly.
I do hope some of you will join me there. I'd love to open my heart to you in real life.
Tickets go on sale March 1st. The conference runs October 25-27, 2012 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.