THIS might be why I'm exhausted all the time {a day in the life #onedayHH}

Last week, Laura of Hollywood Housewife hosted a "day in the life" meme where everyone documented their lives for just one day--the idea being to catch the ordinary moments we'd usually overlook. Well, after participating I realized one huge thing: no wonder I'm exhausted all the time! My life is very, very full! Here's what last Wednesday looked like for me: 5am: first thing I see each day? My bathroom.

5:30-6:30am: exercise bootcamp

6:45am: let the dogs out, start breakfast, wake kids

7am: Husband makes breakfasts while I pack kids' lunches, ready backpacks, keep everyone moving along

7:05: my ballerina preps for another day of high school

7:10am: we all sit down for breakfast

There's always time for breakfast table cuddles


7:45am: check email, publish blog post.

8:30am: Shower, hair, makeup.

9am: read my daily Scripture, journal, pray.

9:30am: Nails. I have a thing for pretty nails. Growing up I wasn't allowed to wear bright colored polish. I LOVE makeup, perfume, polish and all the girly things now! :)

10:30am: my favorite grocery store! Purchased picnic stuff + items for dinner.

11:35am: pick twins up from kinder + go to park for playdate w. their classmates

1:15pm: back to school to pick up 5th grade son. 3rd application of lipgloss. Because I LIKE LIPGLOSS, OK??? :)

1:40pm: Starbucks run: double tall latte.

2pm: highschool pickup.

2:30pm: twins watch PBS, Mom takes a power nap!

3:15pm: twins go outside to play, I watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I KNOW! I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON! I can't help it. I LOVE this show.

3:30pm: I don't get to watch TV for long. Dogs start barking, twins want "help" playing outside.

3:45pm: Jude needs help with homework

4pm: I start dinner prep

4:15pm: twins come inside and build a tent in the dining room

4:15pm: Boys help with chores. Jude loads dishwasher, James takes out trash

4:30pm: Dinner! During sports seasons, we eat really early.

5pm: Boys to water polo

5:30pm: I eat MY dinner. Baked potato, spaghetti meat sauce, avocado.

6:15pm: Jewel has been dancing on pointe so much she has corns on her toes. I take her to the drug store to buy some foot care items.

6:30pm: Stop at gas station. I am running on fumes now--literally and figuratively. I am tired!

6:40pm: I take Jewel to dance.

7pm: I go to Confession.

7:30pm: Our pastor was celebrating a special evening Mass for his patron saint. I stayed after Confession to receive the Eucharist and spend time praying during Adoration. A peaceful and wonderful end to my day.

9pm: my husband does the final water polo & dance pickups while I get ready for bed. My pillows, my book of poetry and my doggie. Ohh, I am very, very tired. What a good day!