It's my birthday! SHARE THIS ORPHAN'S VIDEO to win one of 5 free, signed copies of my NEW BOOK!

Today is ma birfday. I'm 37! Which WE ALL KNOW is just another way of saying "Almost Forty." Know what? I'm kinda ok with that. Scratch that. I'm totally ok with that. Truth is, I've felt like I was 40 since I was like 20--I think a lot of kids who were raised in cults feel this way. We were OLD before we were teenagers!

High-demand groups often have this effect on children. Stressful childhood environments force children to grow up fast, to bear heavy burdens at a young age. EXHIBIT 1: THE WORLD IS ENDING SOON SO THERE IS NO TIME FOR FRIVOLOUS PURSUITS LIKE...BEING A TEENAGER.

There are other children who experience high-stress environments and long for something safer. These children are orphans. And for many--especially older boys--their dream of being adopted into a forever family is dying. This past week, I came across this orphan's video. His name is Cameron. He is almost fourteen. All his life he has dreamed of having a proper mother and father, a home to live in. But since he was born with a heart condition--which was fixed via surgery ten years ago--his chances of being adopted are very small.

On Saturday night, I saw Cameron for the very first time. Something about this boy just gripped my heart. I haven't been able to stop crying. I can honestly say I LOVE this boy. For my birthday, I want nothing more than to find this boy a loving home.

Cameron will be fourteen in just three months at which point he will be widely considered "too old" for adoption. But I believe in miracles. I just KNOW Cameron's family is looking for him.

So, today, in honor of my birthday I will give away five, free, signed copies of my brand-new book "Girl at The End of the World." All you have to do is SHARE THIS VIDEO and leave a comment telling me you did so and you will be entered to win my book.

Cameron from findMe intl on Vimeo.

My book Girl at The End of the World releases EIGHT days. How wonderful would it be if TOGETHER we could find Cameron a home BEFORE my book releases? I believe in miracles! Do you? 

The Girl at the End of the World